Complex Carbohydrate Magnetic Resonance Database (CCMRD)

Carbohydrates are crucial for various life activities in living organisms. The Complex Carbohydrates Magnetic Resonance Database (CCMRD), a solid-state NMR database for complex carbohydrates developed at Michigan State University. The Solid-state NMR spectroscopy reveals the molecular structure and dynamics of insoluble complex carbohydrates.

Database ID Trival Name Linear Code Compound Class Taxonomy Domain Species Residue SNFG Chemical Structure Chemical Shifts (ppm) Spectrometer (MHz) Temperature (K) pH NMR Reference Compound Sample Treatment Reference
ccmrd_416 Galactoglucomannan bDGlcp(1-4)[aDGalp(1-6)]bDManp(1-4)bDManp(1-4)bDGlcp(1-4)bDGlcp(1-4)[aDGalp(1-6)]bDManp(1-4)bDGlcp(1-4) Polysaccharide plant Picea abies (Norway spruce) b-D-Manp Galactoglucomannan SNFG Galactoglucomannan C1: 101.9, C2: 72.0, C4: 80.4, C5: 75.8, C6: 61.6 850 298.0 None TMS frozen in liquid nitrogen and ground to produce a fine powder Oliver M. Terrett et al., Molecular architecture of softwood revealed by solid-state NMR, Nature Communications, 2019
ccmrd_417 Acetylated Galactoglucomannan bDGlcp(1-4)[aDGalp(1-6)]bDManp(1-4)bDManp(1-4)bDGlcp(1-4)bDGlcp(1-4)[aDGalp(1-6)]bDManp(1-4)bDGlcp(1-4) Polysaccharide plant Picea abies (Norway spruce) b-D-ManpOAc Acetylated Galactoglucomannan SNFG Acetylated Galactoglucomannan C1: 100.9, C2: 71.9, C3: 75.9, C4: 80.4, C5: 75.8, C6: 61.6 850 298.0 None TMS frozen in liquid nitrogen and ground to produce a fine powder Oliver M. Terrett et al., Molecular architecture of softwood revealed by solid-state NMR, Nature Communications, 2019
ccmrd_418 xylan or Arabinogalactan Xylp or [bLAraf(1-3)bLAraf(1-6)]bDGalp(1-3) Polysaccharide plant Picea abies (Norway spruce) ?-?-Araf xylan or Arabinogalactan SNFG xylan or Arabinogalactan C1: 108.6, C2: 82.1, C3: 78.3, C4: 86.1, C5: 62.8 850 298.0 None TMS frozen in liquid nitrogen and ground to produce a fine powder Oliver M. Terrett et al., Molecular architecture of softwood revealed by solid-state NMR, Nature Communications, 2019
ccmrd_419 Rhamnogalacturonan I (1-4)αDGalpA(1-2)αLRhap Polysaccharide plant Arabidopsis thaliana a-L-Araf Rhamnogalacturonan I SNFG Rhamnogalacturonan I H1: 5.1, H2: 4.1 400, 600, and 800 298.0 None TMS Removing lipid membranes, cytoplasmic proteins, small molecules, and starch. And being back-exchanged in D2O to reduce the water 1H signal intensities. Pyae Phyo and Mei Hong et al., Fast MAS 1H-13C correlation NMR for structural investigations of plant cell walls, Journal of Biomolecular NMR, 2019
ccmrd_420 Rhamnogalacturonan I (1-4)αDGalpA(1-2)αLRhap Polysaccharide plant Arabidopsis thaliana a-L-Araf Rhamnogalacturonan I SNFG Rhamnogalacturonan I H1: 5.2, H2: 4.3 400, 600, and 800 298.0 None TMS Removing lipid membranes, cytoplasmic proteins, small molecules, and starch. And being back-exchanged in D2O to reduce the water 1H signal intensities. Pyae Phyo and Mei Hong et al., Fast MAS 1H-13C correlation NMR for structural investigations of plant cell walls, Journal of Biomolecular NMR, 2019
ccmrd_421 Rhamnogalacturonan I (1-4)αDGalpA(1-2)αLRhap Polysaccharide plant Arabidopsis thaliana a-L-Araf Rhamnogalacturonan I SNFG Rhamnogalacturonan I H1: 5.0, H2: 4.1, H3: 4.0, H4: 4.2, H5: 3.8 400, 600, and 800 298.0 None TMS Removing lipid membranes, cytoplasmic proteins, small molecules, and starch. And being back-exchanged in D2O to reduce the water 1H signal intensities. Pyae Phyo and Mei Hong et al., Fast MAS 1H-13C correlation NMR for structural investigations of plant cell walls, Journal of Biomolecular NMR, 2019
ccmrd_422 Rhamnogalacturonan I (1-4)αDGalpA(1-2)αLRhap Polysaccharide plant Arabidopsis thaliana a-L-Araf Rhamnogalacturonan I SNFG Rhamnogalacturonan I H1: 5.1, H2: 4.1, H3: 3.9, H4: 4.0, H5: 3.7 400, 600, and 800 298.0 None TMS Removing lipid membranes, cytoplasmic proteins, small molecules, and starch. And being back-exchanged in D2O to reduce the water 1H signal intensities. Pyae Phyo and Mei Hong et al., Fast MAS 1H-13C correlation NMR for structural investigations of plant cell walls, Journal of Biomolecular NMR, 2019
ccmrd_423 Rhamnogalacturonan I (1-4)αDGalpA(1-2)αLRhap Polysaccharide plant Arabidopsis thaliana a-L-Araf Rhamnogalacturonan I SNFG Rhamnogalacturonan I H2: 4.2 400, 600, and 800 298.0 None TMS Removing lipid membranes, cytoplasmic proteins, small molecules, and starch. And being back-exchanged in D2O to reduce the water 1H signal intensities. Pyae Phyo and Mei Hong et al., Fast MAS 1H-13C correlation NMR for structural investigations of plant cell walls, Journal of Biomolecular NMR, 2019
ccmrd_424 Rhamnogalacturonan I (1-4)αDGalpA(1-2)αLRhap Polysaccharide plant Arabidopsis thaliana a-L-Araf Rhamnogalacturonan I SNFG Rhamnogalacturonan I H1: 5.3, H2: 4.2 400, 600, and 800 298.0 None TMS Removing lipid membranes, cytoplasmic proteins, small molecules, and starch. And being back-exchanged in D2O to reduce the water 1H signal intensities. Pyae Phyo and Mei Hong et al., Fast MAS 1H-13C correlation NMR for structural investigations of plant cell walls, Journal of Biomolecular NMR, 2019
ccmrd_425 Rhamnogalacturonan I (1-4)αDGalpA(1-2)αLRhap Polysaccharide plant Arabidopsis thaliana a-L-Araf Rhamnogalacturonan I SNFG Rhamnogalacturonan I H1: 5.1, H2: 4.1, H3: 3.9 400, 600, and 800 298.0 None TMS Removing lipid membranes, cytoplasmic proteins, small molecules, and starch. And being back-exchanged in D2O to reduce the water 1H signal intensities. Pyae Phyo and Mei Hong et al., Fast MAS 1H-13C correlation NMR for structural investigations of plant cell walls, Journal of Biomolecular NMR, 2019